I nostri Rosati dell’estate

I nostri Rosati dell’estate

L’appuntamento di Mercoledì 11 dal Garibaldino è con 5 vini rosati. In degustazione: In degustazione 5 Rosati dalla nostra cantina da 5 uvaggi diversi Abbinamento straordinario/Fuori Menu: Proponiamo “uova di 100 anni”, una specialità Cinese, servito con Soya Sauce ed Aceto di vino Il prezzo è 4.50 al calice e 20 € per il tasting…


Cantina Marco Merli

Sulla strada di ritorno da Gubbio ci siamo fermati dalla cantina Merli. Noi vogliamo migliorare la nostra conoscenza ed apprezzamento di vini naturali. Marco Merli è sicuramente la cantina giusta. Quesa Domenica degustiamo e valutiamo 5 bottiglie, che abbiamo preso. Domenica 8 Settembre , ore 18, Via Enrico dal Pozzo 92A. Il tasting è publico…

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I started to cook this dish in 2023, when I had still my own production of eggplants at the Buonrespiro Garden. It is one of the finest dishes for starter or aperitivo. In this case the pretreatment of the Aubergines with salt is appropriate. They will share the salt later with onions and tomatoes. Deep…

Borgo Santa Cecilia e Officina dei Sapori” , Gubbio

Borgo Santa Cecilia e Officina dei Sapori” , Gubbio

Questa volta è stato il Gambero Rosso a guidarci nella scelta dei ristoranti durante la nostra visita a Gubbio. Borgo Santa Cecilia si trova nel cuore della campagna, a 25 km dal nostro albergo (Casa Minotti, che è semplicemente meraviglioso). Durante il viaggio di ritorno, ci siamo chiesti se valesse davvero la pena percorrere 50…

DionBot available

We have published our own artificial intelligence, DionBot! (http://www.wuhan-umbria.com/dionbot). You want to know, which Umbrian wine pairs well with lobster, ask DionBot. It is you wine teacher and your sommelier. We are working to extend its knowledge constantly. We are using the openAI platform and this has a price, to which users need to contribute….


….is a grape homeonly to the villages of Mamoiada and Orgosolo in central Sardegna. And it is my fvourite wine at the moment. We bought some bottles last summerfrom Sedilesu winery in Mamoiada. We bought the clean one and that “sulle bucce”, the orange wine version. My judgment about natural wines is mostly negative. I…

We are making our private tastings public

we are tasting constantly wines and wine/food pairings. We thought “why not making these tastings public”? So we do. We set Sunday 6pm as a date for regular tastings. In program at the moment: The tastings will take place at our residence, Via E.dal Pozzo, usually on one of our tasting terraces. Participation can be…

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Collaboration with the “Garibaldino” Restaurant

We know Roberto for years. We share the passion for food, wine and ospitality. Some month ago Roberto has opened his own place on Corso Garibaldi, just in front of piazza Lupatteli, which hosts the Restaurants’ terrace and only 10 m from our Graziosa Bed&Bottle. Have Lunch, Aperitivo or Dinner at the “Garibaldino”, good food,…

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Moscardini on Fagioli del Purgatorio

A Variant of the classical “Mare e Monti” theme. “Fagioli del Purgatorio” are the small beans from Gradoli with an elegant taste. Moscardini are  very small Octopus,  but sepia would be good also, but no calamari or polpo verace. The beans are boiled with a clove of garlic until tender. In the meantime you may…

Carpaccio from swordfish with lukewarm spelt salad
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Carpaccio from swordfish with lukewarm spelt salad

Inspiration by Maria Luisa Scolastra from Villa Roncalli, Foligno. Buying raw fish (and eating it) has become an issue since anyone knows about Anisakis. In Supermarkets there are now specific brands and preparations for Sashimi/Carpaccio. The COOP at Orvieto Scalo is offering them separately from the fish booth. The fish monger in Orvieto city does…