

When we consider the debate between natural and artificial, we often find that the line isn’t as clear-cut as it seems. After all, many artificial interventions have undeniably improved our lives. My natural eyes, for instance, aren’t as effective as they are with artificial glasses, and no one would argue that life wouldn’t be more…

our natural wine tasting

I like orange wines, because I find it reasonable to extract the flavors from the skin. and I like metodo ancestrale(nat pet), because I find this method has the advantage of champagne and is much easier to make. orange wines and nat pet are generally natural wines,so I end up buying a lot of natural…

Winetasting Aperitivo \”Orvieto Natural\” and Fund raising for \”La Selvara\”

We have mixed feelings about and mixed tasting experiences with \”natural\” wines. At least we are for an empirical and practical approach and not for an ideological. We will make you taste wines from \”La Selvara\” (Orvieto/San LorenzoNuovo) and \”Danielli\” (Allerona). In the meantime we got to know from \”La Selvara\”, that their winery was…