Category Blog

Cars and the city

Private cars should be restricted from entering city centers as they contribute to the negative impacts of urban living. It is ironic that individuals choose to drive short distances to work when walking would be just as efficient, if not…

Rice Noodles with Seafood in Coconut sauce

The dish Seafood and rice noodles are a perfect match. Coconut milk is not for pasta, but very good with noodles. These are soaking Rice noodles. After some hesitance I followed Nixy’s advice to soak them before boiling. I am…

A cat with a ‘fuck off’ written on its face

 It’s a rare and good quality for a dry white wine to be really satisfying. It’s easy for a fragrant sweet wine to be pleasant, but actually hard to achieve for a serious dry white wine.  But I never really…

Oak in Winemaking

I consider oak as the make-up for wines. If Used right, it will make most wines appear better.  The problems are:  1 not everyone knows how to use it,  sometimes the wines get over oaked and become a wood soup …

ask Bot: How are wineNFT projects doing?

在葡萄酒NFT领域,商业上比较成功或比较有影响力的项目有哪些? ChatGPT 在葡萄酒NFT领域,一些项目已经取得了商业上的成功或显示出较大的影响力。例如,Bitwine是一个完全数字化的葡萄酒NFT项目,通过像素艺术和图形收藏品的形式在OpenSea等平台上创作和交易葡萄酒的故事和文化。WiV Technology则与全球的葡萄酒生产商、分销商和商人合作,推出了一个售卖精品葡萄酒作为NFT的平台,每个NFT代表一瓶实际的葡萄酒,为消费者存储,使得交易过程更加简便高效。Hello Fam是世界上第一个NFT葡萄酒品牌,通过与知名数字艺术家合作,专门开发葡萄酒NFT,他们的首发产品Genesis Vintage 2021在NFT上独家销售,首日就售出了250瓶​​。 一些具体的酒庄也通过NFT与消费者直接互动并销售葡萄酒,同时作为有效的市场营销工具。例如,由前NBA明星姚明拥有的Yao Family Wines就是其中一个高调参与NFT的酒庄,他们通过NFT出售了”The Chop Cabernet Sauvignon 2016″的200瓶葡萄酒。Chateau Angelus是最受尊敬的波尔多生产商之一,提供了一个NFT来拥有Angelus 2020年份酒桶的所有权,附带独特的数字艺术作品。Chateau Darius则提供了每个年份的4个NFT,包括给消费者的独特数字艺术作品、存储设施和两瓶实体葡萄酒​​​​。 这些项目显示出NFT在葡萄酒行业中的多样化应用,从数字化收藏到实体葡萄酒的代表,再到增加品牌的市场营销新方式。NFT为葡萄酒行业带来了新的交易、收藏和投资机会,同时也吸引了传统葡萄酒市场之外的非传统消费者。随着技术的发展和市场的认可,葡萄酒NFT领域可能会继续见证更多创新和成功的项目。 这些葡萄酒NFT项目的营业收入,用户增长和利润情况怎样? ChatGPT The specific financial details regarding revenue, user growth, and profitability for wine NFT projects are not readily available in public…

investment returns for fine wine

ask DionBot: What is the investment returns for fine wine in recent years? The investment returns for fine wine over different periods show a mix of stability and growth, although specific annual or quarterly returns can fluctuate due to various…

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