Brizi again
I confirm my positive judgement on Ristorante Brizi. We had
- strangozzi alla Gricia
- una bistecca di vitello
- una fettina di vitello
- uno spiedino di funghi
- verdure lesse
- verdure gratinate
- patatine fritte
- frutta
- una bottiglia di Rosso Montefalco (Colpetrone)
Uno scontrino di 64 Euro, di cui 16 were the beefsteak and 15 the wine.
This time , both meat dishes were impeccable. Meat of decent quality, freshly grilled. A beefsteak like this would cost 6 € at the butcher. Then, all what is traditional, is good, the pasta is very good. I remember the perfect Carbonara, the first time I went here. Don’t order french fries, they are not traditional—-
Many more years to Ristorante Brizi-