The ginger and the Wasabi were ok

Normally, I said, I am not writing about a Restaurant, before I went there twice. I have to break this principle as I will never go again to this place I am writing about.

We were not planning to eat in a Restaurant. We were coming from UWine and we were directed to duck soup and duck breast at home. But then there was this place, in one of the three parallels you can take to go from the duomo to arrive at Corso Garibaldi. It had an inviting look, Perugino Newyorkish, not the usual truffle boar type of place. We made a deviation to see the menu. This looked not too bad and I think Nixy was tired of Umbrian sausages (and ducks) and wanted something Asian. The kitchen had just opend and we took a table.

All the misery is documented in the pictures below.

I dont expect fresh shrimps in a place like this, but the shrimps that arrvied as “tempura gamberi” tasted as if they had spent their life in the freezer. But that was not the worst. The frying oil was so old that I had the disgusting taste of it still in my mouth on the way home. The second offence was the “tartare di ricciola”. Madonna! Avevo quasi paura di mangiarlo, ma abbiamo provato fino al ultimo morso di trovare qualcosa di buono, ma no, old, dry and tasteless. Spectacular was only the price of 16 Euros.

L’altra roba ordinata aveva dei nomi altoparlanti, ma tutti dei sapori mediocri and we hurried to get out and to come to our duck at home.

I could not resist to tell two young Ladies who planned to enter the place (highly rated by TripAdvisor) our experiences, so they went for an other place, One good action a day.

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